Octagon All Purpose Bar Soap (Pack of 3)

Octagon All Purpose Bar SoapI am sixty years old and there has always been

Octagon soap in my house. The recipe

for this soap changed around the late

1990s the manufacturer said unable to

get some of the original ingredients. So

the bars changed color slightly and have

A slightly greasier feel, but still cleans better than

any other soap I have tried.

I use it for bathing, shampooing, washing

clothes, cleaning cast iron, healing wounds,

scrubbing greasy machine parts, bathing

Kitty, anything that needs cleaning. And,

Yes the taste is familiar and home-like for

potty-mouth moments. Guess how I know.

Biggest thing though, is I use Octagon as

the first cleaning after a Brown Recluse spider

Bite. Had six or seven bites this summer

alone so I put the treatment I figured out

on a review on the iodine page so anyone

could see the treatment (with pics). But Check

With Your Doctor Before Trying It! Please.

Be sensible. Check with your doctor first.

Ta. Pam

After having located a bar of this soap in my grandmother's laundry cabinet, I became hooked on it. It took out grease stains that had been on my favorite sweatshirt for over 6 months of wearings, washings and dryings. My husband's shirt collars never looked better. All it took was a dampened tooth brush which I brushed over the Octagon bar then used to gently scrub the soap in. That's it--clothes into the wash (along with regular laundry detergent) and out clean! I searched high and low for Octagon for about 9 months never thinking to check on Amazon for soap. I purchased 6 bars and have been happily fighting (and defeating)annoying laundry stains ever since. I highly recommend this product.

Buy Octagon All Purpose Bar Soap (Pack of 3) Now

This is a super, super product that works as advertised. I'm 67 and my mom told me she used to wash my diapers with this soap. Never ended up with a rash. Google it and read it's history and other uses. They are all good

Read Best Reviews of Octagon All Purpose Bar Soap (Pack of 3) Here

*I am reviewing this item strictly based on its use as an acne wash*

I suffer from cystic acne and have tried a gagillion things and after hearing about this product I said what the heck. During the search I found reviews in regard to cystic acne were pretty limited so I here to hopefully help you. So far it's worked pretty great. I usually have about 3-5 boils/cyst pimple/whatever and now I have been down to 1 (1 month of use). Obviously it is a not a cure all but between my limited nut diet(that and stress seem to trigger my outbreaks), tea tree oil and generic acne regiment my skin is looking a lot better. The octagon seemed to set me over the hump. But just fyi when I tried using it alone I flared up again so I would not say that it is a cure all. For the price it's totally worth it and for all you with cystic acne know, money really is no option when it comes down to those physically and emotionally painful buggers.

p.s. do not get it in your mouth.. i had the worst heartburn/stomach acid when some got in my mouth.

Want Octagon All Purpose Bar Soap (Pack of 3) Discount?

I am an artist and want every artist to know, this is a great product for cleaning your paint brushes and keeping them soft and pliable. You clean them first as normally do then scrub your brushes on the bar of soap with plenty of water, then rinse. I have used this product for years but lately have not been able to find it in grocery stores where I normally purchase it so I had to go online to find it. It is also great for dry scaly spots on the body and stops itching. I can't say enough about this product. Octagon bar soap is the greatest.


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