I have a 50+ year love affair with Perlier Products. Pricey-maybe. But-WORTH it. Anything Perlier makes is quality all the way and you can't make a mistake if you buy their label-ANYTHING. Buy it! You will love it. I keep one beside every sink and lavatory in this house and in the outside kitchen. Get the White Almond Oil too-it is fantastic! Use it all over your body and on your face. It helps protect delicate tissue from the wind. Easy to rub in. Not greasy. Wonderful for your house pet's pads. Its all on AMAZON-read, and read and read. Then ORDER it the easy way through Amazon. You can't just walk into 'any' drugstore and buy it. Most upper end department store carry it and have for years-but we're not all near a department store soooooo-thanks to AMAZON it just a click away and you don't even have to go outside your door!

Smooth and creamy. Fragrance is heavenly. White Almond is my absolute favorite in the Perlier line. I use several of their products.
Buy Perlier White Almond Bath And Shower Gels Now
Love the smell, and cleans nice.
My skin is soft, silky and clean.
Its a great gentle cleanser for face and body!
Love it!
Read Best Reviews of Perlier White Almond Bath And Shower Gels Here
I have been a Perlier user for years. White Almond has a calming affect as far as the aroma goes. It is a moisturizing hand soap and is very concentrated so a little goes a long way.
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