Adovia Natural Dead Sea Mud Soap - Great for Eczema, Psoriasis or Acne!

Adovia Natural Dead Sea Mud Soap - Great for Eczema, Psoriasis or Acne!I'm not exactly a heavy reviewer, especially of soaps, but I've had cruddy skin for a long time. Every afternoon my face feels oily, like I need another face wash. My shaves look like 5 oclock shadows as soon as I finish. I shave my head, so the problem is just compounded. (33 yr old male btw)

I ordered this based on the previous reviews, and I have to say I am really amazed. I don't exactly pay attention to my skin condition when I try a product (I usually give up or forget to track it), but after a few days the difference is so obvious that even I noticed it. Right now I'm actually touching my check and it feels smooth, not stubbly (just out of the shower/shave)!

I had been slathering the 10% acne peroxide all over in weeks past with no results, but now the little bumps and irritants i had on my pate and nape of my neck have completely disappeared.

I don't know what it is in the soap, it could be some common ingredient in hundreds of other products, but all I know is it has worked great for me. Maybe it's mildly abrasive, maybe it's the mud, I don't know. I do know I'll be ordering more soon to make sure I don't run out.

(Depending on when you read this, this may show up as my first review, which should indicate how much I like it, not that I'm a shill :) ) Post other comments/questions and I'll try to answer. For what it's worth, past soaps I've used (obscuring the brands on purpose): N**trogena, D*ve, L*v*r 2000 (talk about something that should be abrasive ;))

When I bought this little bar of soap my life was in social ruin. My acne was bad (I'm talking 5-13 breakouts at any one time)! I'm 21 and I've had acne since I was 14. I'm also half Asian so the acne would leave temporary post-marks on my ethnic skin that could last for up to a year! I was in the midst of a depression when I bought this bar of soap, because I had tried everything (prescription, natural remedies, etc.) and nothing worked, not only did nothing work, but my skin was also incredibly oily and nothing could manage it. My face was wrecked, I dropped out of school, and I rarely left the house.

Then this little bar of soap came in the mail, and little did I know at the time, that it would be the foundation for a complete 360 in my life. The soap what can I say about it? On my first day of use my oily skin became normal and glowing, the redness of my acne subsided a little, and my face felt generally healthy. In my depression there was suddenly a small glimmer of light. After the first week I was no longer experiencing any more breakouts, and my existing acne was already gone. The light was getting brighter. After a month my face was smooth like a baby again, no more oily skin, and many of my post-marks were fading more quickly than usual. I began talking to girls with confidence again, and I went out with my friends again after nearly 6 months of being a hermit.

It has been three months since I started using this, and my face, after 7 aggravating years with unmanageable skin, was finally under control. All thanks to this bar of mudsoap. I don't know how this miracle bar did it, but it did the impossible and completely changed my life. Thank you Adovia, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I recommend this to anyone with a skin problem of any kind. This baby seems to be a panacea of sorts.

Buy Adovia Natural Dead Sea Mud Soap - Great for Eczema, Psoriasis or Acne! Now

This mud soap works great!!! I used it as a facial and body soap; As a facial soap, it leaves the skin very clean and moisturized. This product is all natural. There are no fragrance, and it's good for the skin. I love this product!! My skin used to be very oily at the end of the day, but after using this soap, my skin is more balanced and moisturized. My mom, who also has oily skin, used this soap. She claimed that her skin remained non-oily for the entire day. I would recommend this product for all skin types.

Read Best Reviews of Adovia Natural Dead Sea Mud Soap - Great for Eczema, Psoriasis or Acne! Here

This is a very good soap, which has been very good to my oily skin. I've mostly used it on my face, although I am tempted to use it on my body (and expend it quicker in the process), which suffers from acne from time to time. I also suffer from bouts of eczema and other dermatitis and this soap does not irritate my skin, which is a godsend; it's hard to find soaps without perfumes and other eczema unfriendly irritants (manufactured chemical compounds).

This item's price fluctuates a lot, from 6.99 all the way up to 30.00. There are quite a few pricing trackers available to help you do this, from the Camelizer browser add on, to individual websites. Stock up when the price is low as it seems that distributors have a nasty tendency of jacking up the price around the same time skin disorder sufferers get hit the hardest (peak of Summer and Winter)

Want Adovia Natural Dead Sea Mud Soap - Great for Eczema, Psoriasis or Acne! Discount?

I bought this soap about 2 month ago from Amazon website. It was then for $6.99. Now I went back to buy again, but price went up. I "google" around and find another website that sells this product for $6.99 and if you by more then 3 there is father discount applied. Also if you use discount code GLOW you will get extra 10% off (any size order)and all orders $25.00 and over ships free (only until March 9th)plus you will get free samples. So for this time I purchased this soap from cleopatraschoice website.

Back to soap. I love it. It has very light sent. One bar lasted for about 4 weeks and I use it also for my body. It also helps to clear your skin on your back as well. Also I noticed that it lightens your skin. If you have any little pigmentation some how it makes it less noticeable. It takes about a week to see results.

I highly recommend this product. By the way this brand (Adovia)is very popular in Europe and cost there much more.


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