Heritage Store Colloidal Silver Soap

Heritage Store Colloidal Silver Soap, 3.5 OunceThis is the most refreshing bath soap I've ever used!! It smells great and leaves you rejuvenated, with soft clean feeling skin. There's no film residue or dry feeling, no lotion or baby oil needed after a shower or bath with this soap. I would recommend that anyone having problems with today's soaps try Colloidal Silver Soap especially if you don't like having a lot of chemicals in your bath soap. Colloidal Silver Soap contains: Olive oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Potash, Rosemary, Essential Oil, and Colloidal Silver. Even though this soap contains oils it does not leave an oily feel on your skin.

No Animal Fats.

I use colloidal silver soap to kill bacteria on my skin. It helps fight acne a lot without drying my skin. My kids use it 2-3 times a day also. Bad acne has plagued me most of my life and I'm getting close to 50. This soap works well, but I have used another brand that has a higher content of silver in it that does work better, but is also twice the cost ... this is more affordable for kids to um ... be wasteful, sort of. It is well worth the try if your having break outs.

Buy Heritage Store Colloidal Silver Soap Now

This soap is wonderful. I am about to make my second order. I have tried to go back to my old soap but my skin doesn't like it. This soap is very good to my skin, it leaves no soapy residue, it also leaves my skin soft and clean just what I like in a soap. I would recommend this soap to anyone.

Read Best Reviews of Heritage Store Colloidal Silver Soap Here

This is a great product for all those hard to heal spots. Great for over worked hands with nicks from the garden or scratches from pets too! We use Colloidal Silver as defense against infection around our house (only second to vinegar wash), to treat most every 'hurt', now we've added a great soap too.

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I recently became interested in colloidal silver following a pretty bad skin infection. Unable to get in to see my doctor (you know how that is...they're always too busy to work you in, yada yada yada...) I had to resort to self treatment or spend a fortune at the ER. I have a tendency to get cellulitis and it is very painful and itchy. I broke out the oil of oregano pills and ordered some silver colloidal. Within four or five days, my infection cleared up (without taking harsh prescription antibiotics) so I decided to order some colloidal silver soap, just to stay on top of things for a while longer. The Heritage Store Colloidal Silver soap is kind of a mixed bag for me. It has a very strong odor. Smells like Vics Vapor Rub, and when I got it in my eye while showering, it stung really bad. However, afterwards, I couldn't help but notice that my skin was very clean and soft, and it had a distinct shine to it that looked very healthy. There is alot of conflicting information online regarding colloidal silver products, ranging from it does nothing to it cures everything, but it seems to me that it actually does work in an antibiotic, antiseptic capacity, so I will definitely continue to use both the drops and the soap until my skin rash is completely healed. In three days of using colloidal silver products, the infected patch on my inner wrist is almost completely gone.


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