Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar, Pure Rain - Eight 4.5oz. Bars

Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar, Pure Rain - Eight 4.5oz. BarsI was having a hard time finding this variety of Lever in any of my local markets and was relieved to find it hereeveryone in my family loves this soap!

I love this soap and it has been discontinued....I don't like the others that the company makes.

I'll have to order more

Buy Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar, Pure Rain - Eight 4.5oz. Bars Now

I love the smell of this soap. I love that it's blue, so if I drop it in a white tub without my glasses on, I can see it. I love the feel of the soap and the shape of the bar. I love that I can buy in bulk from Amazon. The only thing I don't love is that it dries my skin in winter; if a moisturizing version exists (which I will look for one day), I'll buy it instead. But I love the smell so much I don't know if I could change now.

Read Best Reviews of Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar, Pure Rain - Eight 4.5oz. Bars Here

just for me! could be for u!

does not leave a slick residue!

smells great!

great prices if you shop around

and does clean good!

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