Musgo Real Mens Body Soap

Musgo Real Mens Body SoapThis is a nice, top-of-the-line soap. Every time I use it I feel very clean and it a great job of moisturizing my skin. That being said, the smell of it I think is for men of an older generation. While I'm not saying that younger guys like me (I'm 22) shouldn't use it, the soap does have a bit of a musky smell to it. The girlfriend says it smells like a bar of hotel soap, but I disagree. It's almost like a muskier version of Irish Spring, which I also own. It is much more moisturizing than Irish Spring, however (but also a lot more in price. I think you can get 6 bars of Irish Spring for the price of one Musgo, though this body bar is much larger than typical soap bars). It's a truly manly smell, there's no mistaking that. I have just recently used Dove for Men, so the manliness of this soap is definitely wanted, seeing as Dove for Men still smells like a woman's soap (and it's not even as moisturizing as their "beauty bars", if you get Dove soap I'd recommend simply picking up the "Fresh" scent, kind of smells like baby powder but keeps your skin more moisturized than any soap I've used).

As a soap, it gets the job done well. As I said, very moisturizing and very manly.


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