I do heating and air conditioning for a living and frequently work on oil-burning furnaces. Working even for a little while with an oil furnace can certainly make you stink of oil. I have tried other soaps and even tried multiple at a time but to no avail. Decided I would give this a try and only purchased one bar. You will notice immediately that this soap has pumice in it and it feels like sandpaper on your skin. I was completely expecting this and therefore was not surprised. I have used this same bar for about a month and it is almost ready for a new one. It does work extremely well and can take the toughest stains and smells out of your skin. My arms and hands no longer smell like I've been on an oil rig and will certainly purchase this product again. I'm so glad that I finally found something that works. Buy this and you should not be disappointed.

Great soap I like to use it after cooking , cleaning! Oh and on my elbows,knees and feet anyways I found it cheap 97 cent at walmart in the soap isle usually all the way at the top great product!
Buy Lava Soap Bar Now
I have used many pumice containing hand cleaners, but this soap takes all of them by a far lead. I garden a lot and at the end of the day my hands are caked with dirt trapped between the ridges of my finger prints essentially caking it on there. This soap really removes all of it and you do not need a scouring pad because the soap it self is gritty like soft fine sand paper like 800 grit. For really caked on area i just use the soap as the scouring pad and because it is gritty it never slips out of my hand. When you have the soap (not the bar of soap) on your hands it feels very smooth like facial soap.
The only con (stupid complaint but some people dont like it) is that it really leaves a heavy soap film feeling on your hand. Also the smell really clings onto your hands for several hours after using.
I like another buyer here bought this soap at walmart for 97 cents, they sold them of packs of two.
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