I enjoy Yardley's soaps. The combination of lavender and wisteria scents was lovely, and the addition of oatmeal gave the soap exfoliating properties, which is always a plus when you need a good scrub! :)

I was skeptical at first, before buying this product. I can buy Yardley's Lavender scented soap at the dollar tree, locally, but that scent didn't satisfy me, so I looked online and saw this item! I love the smell of Wisteria and I love the smell of Lavender, so I figured I couldn't lose. At best, I would have a pleasant new soap. At worst, I would have 'just another soap.' YARDLEY'S LAVENDER WISTERIA soap is NOT "just another soap!" The perfumed smell is luxurious, inspirational,and uplifting. This soap has a beautiful, unique smell. It helps to set the perfect mood for my candle-lit long, hot, relaxing bubble baths!
I love the smell of this product so much, that I wish they had a bubble bath, lotion, shampoo, and conditioner of the same scent to go with it! :) This is a great buy! ~ Dawn Trainer
Buy Yardley Natural Soap Wisteria, Lavender, 4 Ounce Now
I always loved this soap smell, and I am glad ti found it on Amazon. This is different and more high grade from the other Yardley less costly soaps.
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