After years of steroids, and countless expenses with organic soaps, foods, lotions--you name it, I was at the end of my rope. I wanted to throw in the towel, and I felt so sad that there was very little I can do as a mother to help my childrens' skin condition. I stopped praying that God would cure my children; I prayed a desperate prayer for Him to show me some way, any way, to help them instead. For those who do not believe in answered prayers, my best friend called 2 days later and told me about Moor Mud soap. She even said she had ordered Moor Nature's Code Bar Soap and will give me a few bars to try on the children. I was very hesitant and skeptical because I felt like I have tried everything under the sun! Reluctantly, when I received the soap, I used it on my 8 month old son. After a few baths which I washed him with the soap, I started noticing the "rough, scaly skin" was gone. His skin was had become softer and was no longer dry. It started to look like, "normal, healthy baby skin."
One day he had some type of allergic reaction I could not figure out. His cheeks and ears were beet red and he had bumps all over his underarms and tummy. Thinking it may be irritations from playing on the carpet, I opted to give him a bath and used the Moor soap to wash. To my amazement, about 5-10 minutes later, the red was gone, and his skin returned to the soft, healthy looking baby skin again. I didn't have to give him any medications to calm down the allergic reactions.
I wish I have heard of this years ago. I would have saved my children from so many of my desperate measures to help alleviate their suffering. I don't usually write reviews, but this product has been a miracle for my family and I felt the need to share. I don't know if you will have such dramatic results, but it is worth a try. Since we started using this soap, we have not used any steroids, the itching seems dramatically less, and we see dramatic healing in our children's skin.
For those of you who believe in the power of "The Almighty",I want to reinforce that He answers our desperate pleas. This soap was our answer. Good luck to you and God's blessings!
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