My daughter loves gifts that involve making things, so we got her this kit for her 6th birthday. I loved that I could read her the instructions and then let her go, and encouraged her to do different things then the instructions said, too--she had a great time shaping the soaps, using the little bath salts, and was delighted by the fact that she got to put each completed soap in it's own little plastic case. I was delighted that we didn't have to cook anything, melt anything, or make a huge mess. They smell fine--the same genre as play doh, but a little stronger, I'd say it's not unpleasant. When she uses them in the bath, the glitter that she sprinkled on top gets all over her skin, which she loves. She gave one to her grandma and she was so proud of herself. She keeps them carefully tucked away, so her brother doesn't use them, and has asked for another kit for Christmas. So, for us, this was a great choice. If you have a little girl that's crafty--this is a fun way to spend an afternoon.

My 9-year-old daughter received this kit for Easter. She could not wait to start making the "cupcakes". She thinks it is really fun and likes that it could be a group activity or one by herself. Following the instructions was easy. She made a realistic looking strawberry in no time. Her 10-year-old cousin also got this kit and had a blast making her own cupcake soap designs. Wish we could find refills of the soap clay!
Re: scent of the soap. We don't think it is stinky. It has a hint of honeysuckle fragrance. All the colors smell the same so you don't get a blend of scents.
Buy Creativity For Kids Make Your Own Cupcake Soaps each Now
My daughters (ages 8 and 10) had a lot of fun making their cupcake soaps and they looked really pretty and smelled fine. My one complaint is that the price is a lot for 3 soaps, but then again, my girls rationed their supplies and poured some of the material into cupcake holders that we had at our house. The result-they made 6 cupcake soaps (3 each) instead of only 3 :-)
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Bought this for my 5 1/2 year old who loves crafts. Cute idea but needed a lot of adult help. The materials were hard to work with, they kept crumbling and it was frustrating. Messy.
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This product is a cute concept and the online pictures are adorable. However, the clay used to constuct your soaps has a horrible perfume/flower smell that sent my kids running. It's almost laughable that they scented the clay with cheap perfume. Why not fun fruity flavors? Even better, clay that actually smells like cupcakes? I still can't get the smell off my hands and it's been hours... it actually turns your stomach. Don't be fooled by the cute picturesstay away from this stinky product!
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