Buy Maui Tropical Soaps Clearly Hawaiian Glycerin Soap Ocean, 5-Ounce (Pack of 3) Now
I did not like this product, period. It was VERY hard to get the soap to lather. Once the soap did lather there were enough suds for 5 people to take a shower with. The lather that the soap makes, once it does, is extremely slick and hazardous, to the point where it could cause one to fall in the shower. One redeeming point, it does rinse well but, the bar melts and is used-up very quickly. I maybe got 5 6 showers out of one bar.Maui Tropical Soaps Clearly Hawaiian Glycerin Soap Ocean, 5-Ounce (Pack of 3)
Posted by
on Thursday, December 25, 2014
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