I received this as one of the birthday gifts from a co-worker who helped host a cupcake-themed birthday party for me at my workplace yesterday. She told me that she bought this soap partly because it had the picture of a sweet cupcake on the box. If you personally know me, you would know that everywhere I travel, I usually buy soaps to remind me of that place. I've always liked the smell of soaps ever since I was little girl. Maybe it's partly because after I was born, my grandmother came from Thailand to help raise me when my mother was working as a registered nurse and my father was working as a medical doctor. My grandmother came to help take care of me for a little while, and she had Laotian and French blood (and thus spoke Thai, French, and English fluently) and married my mother's father who had Thai blood. Anyways, my grandmother loved French stuff, had visited France many times, taught French in Thailand, and had the habit of putting small, artisan, French-milled soaps in a lot of her dresser drawers to make each drawer smell nice. When I was a little girl, I really loved the smell of the French soaps. So, soaps, kind of remind me of my grandmother, and if I had to choose between the smell of soaps or perfumes, I would choose soaps. I like to give soaps as small gifts to various people, and the people who know me like to do the same as well. Honestly, with as many soaps I buy and use, I could probably write a soap blog. In my humble opinion, some of the best soaps in the world are made from the following companies: Fresh, Lush, Lollia, The Body Shop, Pacifica, Claus Porto, Doux, Savon de Marseille (when I visited Marseille, Salon-de-Provence (where Nostradamus lived his final years), and other parts of France), Victoria Scandinavian soap (when I visited Sweden), Maria Evora (when I visited Spain and Mallorca), Island Soap & Candle (when I visited Maui for the first time), Bathhouse Soapery & Caldarium (when I visited Hot Springs, Arkansas), and Amazing Thai Beauty (from the times I visited Thailand). I think the #1 soap experience for me so far was going to the Provence region in France and watching French soap shop owners make soap. Anyways, this Michel Design Works soap smells like you're going to a spa. It's triple-milled in Sussex, England, and has the Michel Design Works logo on the soap. This shea butter soap is white, and their logo has an elephant. The elephant personally holds special meaning for me because it's the national symbol of Thailand they even have a National Elephant Day holiday, which the Google company even made a National Elephant Day Google logo for that day. So, I have quite an elephant collection because a lot of my friends and acquaintances have given me elephant items over the course of my existence. Anyways, this Michel Design Works soap looks so pretty and nice, that I think if someone is buying this soap, they should get more than one a couple for decorative purposes, and a couple to actually use when bathing. It's 3.5 ounces, and is reasonably-sized and priced. If you visit the Michel Design Works webpage, you will see that there are many various-themed soap packages hummingbird, goldfish, friendship, bunnies, water lily, sunflowers, bird and nest, teacup, by the sea, etc. If my memory is correct, the company is based in New York. Anyways, this Michel Design Works is a nice soap that would make a great small gift for anyone.

My daughter bought the "Merry Christmas" shea butter soap for me from Barnes and Noble last Christmas and I fell in love with the fragrance. Every time I walked into the bathroom and smelled it (the smell filled the whole room), it just made me want to take a shower. So when the bar was almost used up (maybe a month and a half later), I went online to buy more only to find that it was seasonal. I browsed through the various soaps and read the descriptions. I couldn't tell if all the soaps smelled the same and the box designs were just different (perhaps as a collection idea). The description of the soaps is: "A Little Soap," an adorable box, one delicious scent—and a variety of amazing designs to choose from." So I ordered two different kinds with appealing boxes. When they arrived they had very similar fragrances to each other, but were slightly different, and completely different from the "Merry Christmas" soap. I was really disappointed. The description really had me thinking that "one delicious scent" meant that they would smell like the "Merry Christmas" soap. I still enjoyed this soap for its creaminess, but I'm not a big floral fan. I wish the website was more descriptive in the fragrance of each bar. This Christmas, I am purchasing a bunch of the "Merry Christmas" as I am a HUGE fan!!!
Buy Michel Design Works Little Shea Butter Soap, 3.5 Ounce (Pack of 2) Now
I ordered Water Lily, Hummingbird, and Teacup soaps, 6 bars total. Both Water Lily and one of the Hummingbird bars were old, covered in yellow spots, unsuitable to be used in a gift basket. Only Teacup bars looked and smelled fresh.
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