I started using Cuticura when I was 14. I got into some Poison Ivy & this is what the drugstore told my parents to use. WOW! It worked wonderfully on the rash, soothed the itching, & (a nice side efftect) my acne was completely gone. I have used this soap since then & I am 42 now. I have been complimented on my skin at Mary Kay & Avon parties. When they asked what I used I simply replied Cuticura soap; they were not impressed. :-) Cuticura soap is AMAZING product.

I have suffered with adult acne since my early twenties, and I am now thirty-six. I also have some other physical conditions that require me to take medication. One particularly promising medication that I took in the past made my acne even worse! I had to change my medication because the acne was so severe. I tried everything to control the acne, but nothing worked! I saw several dermatologists, took different antibiotics, and many, many prescription topicals! Nothing worked! I tried what seems like every over-the-counter topical treatment that is out there! Most of them caused excessive drying, yet did not clear up the acne. Needless to say, when I found this product I was skeptical! Well, I am thrilled to say that this is my miracle soap! It actually works! Imagine that! A product that actually does what it says! My face is finally clear! And it is not dry in the least! I no longer try to hide my face with my hair. And the best part is that I tried that medication again for my other illness that made my acne worse. Well now it does not even give me a pimple! It truly is a miracle! I now keep several bars on hand, so that I never run out! I cannot believe how cheap it is either! I honestly would pay hundreds of dollars for a product that works this well! I wish I would have tried it a decade ago!
Buy Cuticura Original Medicated Soap Bath Size 5.25 oz. Now
i purchased a bar of cuticura at a local pharmacy the other day, after trying everything else. my skin was doing really very well until the last few months, and i still am not completely sure what's causing my breakouts. but the next morning after using cuticura, i could already see a significant reduction in the size of my blemishes. today is the third day i've used it, and the stubborn zits i've been trying to get rid of for weeks, are now minimal, and i'm hopeful that if i continue this regimen, they'll be completely gone within the next few days to a week. the only slight problem is that after using, my skin feels somewhat taught, so in combination with the soap, i apply ponds dry skin cream, so i would recommend a moisturizer in conjunction with the soap for those of you with dry/combination skin, especially during these winter months.
merry christmas and God bless,
amy :)
Read Best Reviews of Cuticura Original Medicated Soap Bath Size 5.25 oz. Here
It works so well and my skin feels great! Very clean while not being dry. This is a best kept secret for sure.
Want Cuticura Original Medicated Soap Bath Size 5.25 oz. Discount?
I found this soap a few years ago when I was suffering from a breakout that would not go away and & I was instantly hooked. I looked for it again for a really long time and found it here so I ordered it & it still amazes me! Cleared my skin right up but I do let it sit on my face like a mask and I wash my face with it twice a day as well. I will be ordering again!!
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