I did a little change up the other day. I have two bathrooms in my house. I bought old faithful, the Origional Irish Spring for upstairs and Irish Spring Icy Blast for downstairs. I must say that it is not as GREAT as the Origional Irish Spring but it is still good. Like the origional the bar holds up well and isn't gone in just a few days. It's a nice size bar of soap and it does have a 'cool blast' kind of scent. I could see if you were a business man sitting in your office all day wheeling and dealing and having some martini's at lunch and a nice cigar with the boys at the club... you might wanna try this. It has that certain manly clean scent that will have your wife ready for play time as soon as dinner is over and Beaver and Wally are ready for bed. That tiger you unleash after a nightcap will pur like a kitten once she smells what a classy, powerful, gentleman really should smell like. Dad hell! Get over here and gimme some sugar baby.
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