We found Soaprocks in a little shop in Deadwood ND and had a hard time deciding which one to buy because they all were beautiful and so fragrant. Finally bought the Tiger Eye, thinking we would give it to our son. When we got home, we became selfish and decided to give it to ourselves! The scent is wonderful and it takes very little to make a rich, luxurious lather. The feeling it leaves in the skin is beyond belief. Almost like you've applied lotion after your shower. We can't wait to try the others.

This soap is great for guest baths. You can find rock soap in a myriad of colors and each is of fine quality. They look and smell great, last a long time and are gentle on the skin.
Buy Jade Soap Rock Now
I discovered Soap Rocks about five years ago and find them a wonderful gift for either male or female. I've given so many as presents that I finally realized that I had never bought one for myself. I find them IMPRESSIVE. Designed by a real gemologist who learned to create a lookalike soap product that very closely resembles the real rock. The beauty is the first feature that one notices. Then when you use it, one notices the pleasant scent, not too strong, just right. It makes washing one's hands a real pleasure. And the final feature I'd like to praise is the fact that it is very long-lasting, shrinking very slowly, but maintaining it's beauty. I am a real fan! There is nothing negative about these lovely soap rocks. There are several places that sell them, but I like dealing with Amazon. Their delivery is so fast. Never a problem.
Read Best Reviews of Jade Soap Rock Here
I originally saw these Soap Rocks at a little boutique. When I went back to buy one, the store was gone. I decided to order one online. I like the way the jade Soap Rock looks, but the scent isn't the greatest. Frankly, it smells a bit like old lady. No offense to old ladies out there. It looks great in my bathroom and it is hard to tell that it is even soap. I might try another fragrance next time without trying too hard to match the colors in my bathroom.
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