Great Lakes #90002 16OZ 70%Rubbing Alcohol

Great Lakes #90002 16OZ 70%Rubbing AlcoholOk...I feel like a dummy! I was researching "70% alcohol WIPES" on Amazon. Great Lakes item# 90002 came up as one of the results. Viewing the picture they have posted was extremely misleading BECAUSE, all the other items it was grouped with were in fact, pop up canisters of premoistened wipes as well as the individual packets. Looking at the piture now, (after receiving the simple bottle of alcohol) I realize that the picture MAY acually be a picture of a bar of SOAP!! Being on my cell phone, I'm still not so sure! What I am VERY sure of is, I would NEVER, EVER pay over $3 + shipping for a simple bottle of rubbing alcohol!! It does seem to have a sort of squirt top on it, which is different....


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