Raw Black Soap

Raw Black Soap
  • Dudu-Osun Black Soap

I have been using black soap for many years to treat the discoloration problems that I have with my skin. I have always seen it in bar form and decided to try this jar form offered by TK. I am so glad to have stumbled across this product.

I have only been using it for two weeks and I see the difference already. My skin is softer, firmer, and brighter than ever before.

First, the bar black soap that I used before was a bit harsh to my skin, I could only use it every other day. TK black soap is so gentle that it can be used everyday. This black soap has this homemade quality that make it so different from anything I have ever used and I have used many brands before. It is very easy to apply to my skin and it lathers to a soapy cream that is spa like in feeling. My husband has even noticed the difference to my skin and is using it as well.

This product is quality at a discount price. They have definitely found a new customer in me.


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