Marico's Manjal Soap with Ayurvedic Oils 70G

Marico's Manjal Soap with Ayurvedic Oils 70GI bought this soap because I've read good things that turmeric can do for the skin. I have not used it that much yet, so I cannot tell that it has done a whole lot, and especially since it is a soap, it doesn't seem to be very moisturizing, but the nicest thing about this soap is the scent! Very strong. I keep it in the box it came in to store under the cabinet when not in use and sometimes when I'm in the tub, using a different soap/bodywash, I can still smell the soap from the cabinet! It's so strong! I would actully recommend just setting the soap out on the counter in a dish to smell up the room if nothing else. I will have to wait and see if after using it on a more regular basis, if I see any improvement or change to my skin.


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