Eco-Me Laundry Soap, Emma, 32-Fluid Ounce Bottle

Eco-Me Laundry Soap, Emma, 32-Fluid Ounce BottleI've been steadily "greening" my household products. So when my last bottle of Tide ran out, I decided to give Emma a try due to the simplicity of its ingredients. Eco-Me is a truly green company, unlike say, A Couple of Generations Later. Just take a look at their ingredients label, and you'll see what I mean.

Emma gets my laundry so clean. My clothes almost feel "thinner" somehow, because they're no longer coated in various unnecessary substances. The absence of scent is lovely (I can't stand "Fresh Spring Breeze", "Meadow Fields", or what-have-you). The actual detergent itself actually smell realistically of iced tea, down to the slight bitter tang of tea. Once dried, my clothes carry no scent at all.

What really impressed me is how economical it is. My 32oz bottle is only about 45% gone after 3 months. I do 2-3 loads of laundry every week, so Eco-Me's claim of 64 loads is probably feasible. You only need 1 or 2 caps per wash, and the size of the cap is like the twist-off bottle cap from plastic soft drink bottles.

Emma was used to be on Amazon's subscription program, but not anymore. Vitacost used to carry it, not anymore. It seems that very few people care for this little gem. Give it a try!

Also try half a Downey Ball's worth of distilled white vinegar in your wash, then wool dryer balls in your dryer. You'll never have to buy useless, chemical-laden fabric softeners and laundry sheets again.

I use this for my baby's clothing. It smells great and everything is clean and fresh; people always smell my baby's clothes and comment on how great they smell. NO CHEMICALS!

Buy Eco-Me Laundry Soap, Emma, 32-Fluid Ounce Bottle Now

My mom went to duane reade to find an eco friendly laundry soap and when she found this one and read the ingredients she thought she would give it a try. Well we just washed about 11 loads of laundry with it and it worked great of course we did mix it with our earth berries so im sure they assisted eachother in the cleaning lol. but when we got home we had a sink full of dishes to wash so we diluted some of the laundry soap and washed everything with it. AMAZING i am very impressed the kitchen smelled great afterward. we immediately went downstairs and bought every product eco me offers!!

Read Best Reviews of Eco-Me Laundry Soap, Emma, 32-Fluid Ounce Bottle Here

I wanted a detergent free of synthetic/chemical fragrances and toxins, specifically parabens and surfectants. I am pleased to finally find this product! I searched long and hard with little luck until I came across Eco Me. I tried a few others, including 7th Generation but was disappointed in the cleaning performance of the other brands. I have been very satisfied with Eco Me. This detergent gets out tough stains and I only use a cap full! Love it and the cool bottle. My searching is over!

Want Eco-Me Laundry Soap, Emma, 32-Fluid Ounce Bottle Discount?

With three small children, including toddler twins, I'm always on the lookout for a gentle but affordable detergent that cleans well. Unfortunately, Emma detergent is way too mild. Not good when I do ten loads a week.

My three year old daughter is very sensitive to strong detergents (surfactants), dyes and fragrances, so it's been an ongoing struggle to find a laundry soap. I tried Purex Triple Action Liquid Detergent-Free & Clear-50 oz-33 loads with disastrous results itching and horribly cracked hands from what appears to be residue of sodium carbonate left on clothes (a main ingredient, also very caustic, that requires 15 minutes of rinsing to wash off). All Free & Clear 2X Ultra Concentrated Laundry Detergent, 32 Loads 50 oz (1.47 L) wasn't too effective and still caused itching. Tide Free and Gentle, Free of Dyes and Perfumes, 50-Ounce seemed to be the best very gentle to skin, and cleans very well with no scent left behind but so very expensive.

About Emma it's hard to find but my local supermarket had it for less than the price on amazon. It has a PET#1 Container, 100% Natural & Chemical-Free, Sweet Tea scented, no dyes, no parabens, no preservatives, no SLS, SLES, ALS, no synthetic fragrances, no surfactants. Eco-Me does not test on animals or use animal bi-products and has a whole line of gentle household cleaning products on their website.

As it is a gentle soap, it works best on babies' clothes, linens and delicates basically, special loads. I found that it cleans well and leaves clothes soft provided the clothes are only lightly soiled to begin with. Emma won't remove grease, ground-in dirt, mud, or tough stains like chocolate, tomato, blood. It works best on linens and light clothes dark clothes will come out with grease stains showing, even if the food stain is gone. It is also good for towels because it is non-sudsing and rinses off far easier than laundry detergent.

Emma is a good green product, but it may have a hard time competing with major, more established brands. After several months of doing "special loads" with Emma, I'm back to Tide Free and Gentle, Free of Dyes and Perfumes, 50-Ounce which is much better and is still the one we use almost every day, for the whole family. I use it once and I'm done so even if it's more expensive, it saves me a lot of time.

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