Soaptopia Handmade Soap

Soaptopia Handmade Soap - Pepperlyptus RexBE CAREFUL of unauthorized sellers -you want to get your soaps nice and fresh. They are handmade and can dry out. If someone is selling them under $6, watch out! The bars are huge, last forever and are totally worth it so don't risk ordering from bargain basement re-sellers.

Soaptopia soaps are incredible -never thought I'd care much about my soap, but I received these as a gift and when I ran out I knew I was hooked. The bars are huge-much larger than a store bar. Sometimes I cut them in half. The natural scents make each one a different experience and sooo much nicer than nasty artificial smells. And the consistency of the soap is really perfect -it cleans well but feels nice and smooth. But doesn't leave you feeling slimy.

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