Kiss My Face Anjou Pear Liquid Moisture Soap, 9-Ounce Pumps (Pack of 6)

Kiss My Face Anjou Pear Liquid Moisture Soap, 9-Ounce PumpsThis used to have a very natural pear smell and now it smells like pear + vinyl or something. It's still good, gentle soap and I still use it, but I'm looking for new.

Trader Joe's carried this hand soap for years and I loved it, so when it disappeared from their shelves, I searched for it online, and was happy to see it was still available. What a total disappointment when it arrived. The formula is completely different. It doesn't have the nice pear fragrance that made it so appealing, and the soap now feels slimy rather than cleansing. The packaging changed too the nozzle clogs easily so that it either doesn't feed, or else squirts haphazardly across the sink. All that plus a smaller package (9 ounces instead of 12) and at a higher price. No wonder TJ's stopped carrying it.

Buy Kiss My Face Anjou Pear Liquid Moisture Soap, 9-Ounce Pumps (Pack of 6) Now

I have been a loyal customer of the Kiss My Face brand and have been buying this pear scented hand soap for over 15 years. I have always loved the very subtle scent and rich creamy soap. But this is the last time I will ever buy it. My most recent purchase arrived and I am deeply disappointed to find out that the soap is now watery and not nearly as lovely to use as it once was. I guess new customers will not recognize the difference, as it now feels like any ordinary hand soap. But I am sad to have lost such a great product to the effects of mass production and a reduction in quality just to keep prices low and product moving. What a disappointment!

Read Best Reviews of Kiss My Face Anjou Pear Liquid Moisture Soap, 9-Ounce Pumps (Pack of 6) Here

Was looking for a soap with a fragrance that was pleasant, but not floral or orange-y. This has a light, pleasant pear scent and the moisturizers are great for skin trying to survive in dry winter weather. Well liked by women and men alike -we use this as the hand soap in our office after looking hard for a compromise that everyone could agree on.

Want Kiss My Face Anjou Pear Liquid Moisture Soap, 9-Ounce Pumps (Pack of 6) Discount?

every other pump is broken or defective, had to pour out soap into my other containers, pain in the butt

Good Soap though

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