Grandpa's Grandpa's Body Care Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap 1.25oz 48/1 OZ (Pack of 6)

Grandpa's Grandpa's Body Care Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap 1.25oz 48/1 OZI'm Southeast Asian with combination skin-type, I guess. I've never been to a dermatologist so I'm not sure what's wrong with my skin but it's scaly, itchy with dry white spots everywhere. Some times it's burning and red bumps would appear. A friend recommended this and I'm willing to try anything at this point. I often scratch, scratch, SCRATCH until there are long, bloody furrows on my arms, my thighs, bikini area, behind my knees, on my back/shoulder blades, everywhere. I've gotten used to slathering on Cortizone 10 every two hours EVERY WHERE on my body since I hit puberty 16 years ago to relieve the itching.

Since using this, my dry spots are dramatically less dry, my skin is only slightly oily but my face is soft with zero dry spots AND the odd, red rash-like bumps are gone. I still have to slap on a teaspoon of Cortizone 10 every hour if I intend to sweat or walk around for more than two hours to keep from scratching like a flea-bitten dog but I'm not an active person so this result is absolutely, positively, perfectly fine with me.


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