Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar, Perfectly Fresh - Sixteen 4oz. Bars

Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar, Perfectly Fresh - Sixteen 4oz. BarsIt's not just what I wanted, but unable to find the one I really liked. It was blue in color and the box said Vaseline Lever on it. I cannot find it again anywhere!

The manufacturer told me that the packaging was changed a long time ago. I think they changed the soap, too.

Buy Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar, Perfectly Fresh - Sixteen 4oz. Bars Now

I lioked the fact that the pack came so many in a pack. It wonderful I won't need t buy any so soon.

Read Best Reviews of Lever 2000 Moisturizing Bar, Perfectly Fresh - Sixteen 4oz. Bars Here


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